Sunday, March 4, 2007

Come on... Diseases!

Here are those diseases, all in a peculiar form.
acrophobia, fear of heights
amnesia, partial of total loss of memory
anemia, 贫血
anorexia, an eating disorder oraversion to food
aphasia, partial or total loss of the ability to articulate
apoplexy, 中风
arthritis, 关节炎
asphyxia, loss of consciousness
asthma, 哮喘
concussion, 脑震荡
dipsomania, an abnormal and insatiable craving for alcoholic drink
dyslexia, impairment of the ability to read
dyspepsia, impaired digestion
gerontology, the scientific study of aging and the problems of aged people
hemophilia, 血友病
hepatitis, inflammation of the liver
hyperchondria, 忧郁症
hysteria, 歇斯底里症
insomnia, abnormally prolonged inability to sleep

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.